Depression: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment , How to Control Depression.

How to Control Depression.

Depression: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment , How to Control Depression.
How to Control Depression.

Depression is a common disease in our society, due to which one person commits suicide every 40 seconds in the world.

A common cause of suicide is depression. 280 million people suffer from depression in the world. Whereas in Pakistan, women suffer from 30 to 60 percent of depression. But more common, according to a WHO report, is that 75 percent of people in low- and middle-class countries do not receive this treatment. Due to this lives are being destroyed, society is deteriorating and many people are affected.

What is depression?

Depression is a mental illness, that disturbs chemicals in the brain which are called neurochemicals.

symptoms of depression:

People who are going through depression have a bad mood, feel disinterested, and tired, and do not enjoy doing the things they used to enjoy. If the focus is not the same, the confidence level goes down and the interaction with people decreases. Changes in sleep and appetite

Their thoughts are becoming negative and they think negatively about themselves. They become hopeless, life does not look good to them at all, they say about the future that nothing will happen to them and they regret their past.

Then when the severity of depression becomes more, people turn towards suicide and even attempt suicide. Although it is treatable, people still turn to suicide because they become hopeless.

People don't know what their family member or relative is going through.

Every person and every doctor should know what the symptoms of depression are. If a person has symptoms of depression, get it treated as it is treatable.

Why Depression Occurs and Its Causes:

·      One reason is family history, if depression runs in the family, other family members are more likely to have it.

·      Child abuse in childhood, As they are beaten, and criticized, if the child is neglected, such children are more prone to depression.

·      Current life situations like job problems, and relationship problems, if any failure is coming then it also causes depression.

Treatment of depression:

There are two ways treatment of depression.

·      Treatment with medications

·      Treatment with psychotherapy

Treatment with medications:

In this procedure, the doctor usually prescribes medication for 6 to 9 months or it can be given for a longer period. it is  non-addictive and no side effects .

Treatment with psychotherapy:

If there is mood-level depression, it is treated only through psychotherapy, in which the patient is made to do activities in which he has a negative view of himself and the world. And gradually through therapy he becomes positive, his thoughts become positive and he starts doing activities that he is unable to do due to depression.


There are Some tips that can help you avoid depression.

Depression: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment , How to Control Depression.
There are Some tips that can help you avoid depression.

·      First, You should get a balanced diet.  A balanced diet can help regulate mood and energy levels.

·      Practice good sleep hygiene: Getting enough quality sleep is important for both physical and mental health.

·      Exercise regularly: Physical activity can boost mood and reduce stress.

·      Connect with others: Spending time with friends and family, or even volunteering, can help build a support network.

·      Challenge negative thoughts: Try to identify and challenge thoughts that may be contributing to your depression.

·      Seek professional help: A therapist or mental health professional can help develop an individualized treatment plan, including therapy and/or medication.



Note: If all activities are stopped altogether, depression persists, and may worsen, leading to later complications.

It's important to remember that getting treatment and help for depression is a sign of strength and that it's never too late to feel better.



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